Needs Analysis & the Teachers Training programme

Work Package 2:

Needs Analysis


the Teachers Training programme

The objectives of the WP2 are firstly to explore the needs that exist at both local and global society level around the development of green and social entrepreneurship in order to put our society on more sustainable paths. Furthermore, through this research, the necessary skills that a potential entrepreneur who wants to operate against climate change and in favour of social development will be mapped out. In order to achieve this mapping, both questionnaires and focus groups for teachers, students and other stakeholders will be developed and carried out to assess relevant knowledge and gaps.

Hence, the Report will highlight the gaps in school education in terms of information and knowledge about green and social entrepreneurship. At the same time, it will map the needs and educational gaps that exist on the part of both teachers and students regarding green and social entrepreneurship, as well as a corresponding search for needs and gaps in the wider society with participating enterprises, social enterprises and environmental organisations.

The National Survey Results of the Questionnaires & Focus Groups are ready!

You can read or download them below!

WP2: National Report – Poland

WP2: National Report – Greece

WP2: National Report – Belgium

WP2: National Report – Serbia

WP2: National Report – Italy

WP2: National Report – Turkey

The WP2: Report on the Study Findings is ready!

You can read or download the report below!

In a second phase, the educational material addressed to teachers will be developed, based on the first phase, in an effort to fill the identified gaps in the knowledge and skills of secondary school teachers so that they feel confident and have the necessary knowledge and tools to teach green and social entrepreneurship to their students, while supporting their continuous professional development.

Green and social entrepreneurship is considered to have still a lot of room to grow and especially in the selected partner countries, the situation has not been sufficiently mapped nor has the necessary emphasis been put on green and social entrepreneurship education in a general context, much less at the secondary school level. Thus, the educational resources to be developed under WP2 are particularly useful for mapping and analysing the situation, and identifying gaps and needs related to green and social entrepreneurship in order to further enhance sustainable development at the level of society. In addition, it will be a source of educational material and inspiration for teachers and school staff on climate change mitigation, environmental care, and the development of social awareness and empathy.

The Teachers Training programme will be a tool to inform and train teachers on all the main dimensions of green and social entrepreneurship, as well as innovative teaching approaches.
Thus, it will include the following modules:

1. Entrepreneurial mindset: what is it and what does it entail?: Explanation of the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and why an entrepreneurial mindset is extremely important for everyone.

2. Green entrepreneurship: Explanation of all key concepts of green entrepreneurship.

3. Social entrepreneurship: Explanation of all key concepts of social entrepreneurship.

4. Approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Educational techniques and methodologies for teaching entrepreneurship.

What is more, a Teachers Training Workshop will be organised in Thessaloniki (Greece) in order to train invited teachers in real-time, as well as to test the training materials developed and receive useful feedback from the trainees.
5 teachers from each partner country will participate (30 in total – Poland, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Belgium, Turkey)

The first draft version of the Teachers Training programme (in English) is ready!

You can read or download the Teachers Training programme below!

The Teachers Training programme will be tested, evaluated and updated and then will be translated into Polish, Greek, Italian, Serbia, Dutch and Turkish.

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